Our goal is to keep you in good spirits. We are proud to offer a shopping experience built around community, inclusivity, and healing. We offer three ways for patients to explore our robust collection of products.
Yes! While each state is different, Bloc Dispensary carries (or will carry) products from its parent company Justice Cannabis Co. Look for a complete line of new products and brands coming to consumers soon.
Please call or email us anytime and a patient care advocate will get back to you to answer your questions and help solve whatever issues you may have.
Bethlehem, PA – (484)214-5400
Absolutely! Please call or email us anytime and a patient care advocate or pharmacist will get back to you to answer your questions and help you through the process.
Bethlehem, PA – (484)214-5400
It is not necessary to visit with the Bloc Dispensary pharmacist if you have already visited another dispensary in PA.
At present, appointments with the pharmacist are required for new medical patients. Please call or email to schedule an appointment at your convenience. Walk-ins are welcome between noon and 4:00 pm every day.
Only caregivers that are registered with the Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Program may accompany patients when they visit a Bloc Dispensary.
You must obtain a letter of recommendation from a qualified medical provider who will perform an assessment to determine if your condition is eligible and would benefit from medical cannabis. You will then take your recommendation letter and register in Pennsylvania's Electronic Verification System.